Friday, December 27, 2019

The Net Neutrality Laws - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 557 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/04/10 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Net Neutrality Essay Did you like this example? Kang In early March of 2018, an email service called Tutanota was unavailable for customers of Comcast. Once customers tried to connect to Tutanota with a different ISP (Internet Service Provider) it seemed to work. Consumers began to speculate, and as they thought Comcast had blocked traffic through the site, breaking the net neutrality laws. The FCC (Federal Communications Commission) wants to remove these laws and make it so ISPs can begin to discriminate any data they want, which could mean your favorite apps/websites will potentially be inaccessible. (Whittaker) The Net Neutrality laws should not be repealed because it could affect the internet for Americans negatively forever because your favorite apps or sites such as Netflix, Instagram, and Youtube can be blocked by your internet service provider. Also, these changes will affect anyone who uses the internet for anything. Anything done on the internet is tracked in data types called packets, with repealing net neutrality ISPs can track these packets, and see what sites you are visiting and what you are doing. I should not need to explain how this violates your privacy on many levels. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Net Neutrality Laws" essay for you Create order So, you may be wondering, why in the heck would anyone want to get rid of these laws? There are two reasons, the first being that the internet service providers want to make a lot of money, and secondly, people think it will actually help make internet cheaper. People think it will make internet cheaper because the net neutrality laws violate the free market. The free market is a term commonly used in economics that describes the concept that the government has no regulation on how businesses charge their customers. For example, if pizza place #1 sells their pizzas for $10, pizza place #2 will sell theres for $5 so that more people will buy pizzas because they are much cheaper. Its basic economics, the more heavily you regulate something, the less of it youre likely to get. Says Ajit Pai So, in theory, the prices of the internet could go down, because ISPs like Comcast and Verizon will compete, but there is one flaw. That flaw is monopolies, not the fun board game, but rather a problem in economics. A monopoly is when there is only one provider of certain goods or services. Pseudo monopolies are a common thing, and it is when there is one provider to a certain community, like a town. Pseudo monopolies rule the community in their department, whether that be cable, power, or internet. So, how is this a flaw in the free market? Well, the point of the free market is for business to compete, and reduce their prices to gain more customers, in a monopoly, there is no competition, and ISPs will charge as much as they please because consumers will have no competitor to go to. So, imagine if there was one grocery store or restaurant in your area, they would charge very unreasonable amounts due to the supply and demand. So, in conclusion, the repealing of the net neutrality laws put in place by Obama in 2015 will make internet potentially cost more, and it will violate consumers privacy crucially. Even though these new laws are being put in place, it is not too late, Americans need to stand up for their freedom and rule against the laws the FCC is beginning to put in place.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Five Functions Of Management - 1572 Words

The five functions of management are imperative in any business especially mine where we use computer technologies as our main source of profit. My company is a contract based company that provides technical support to a variety of customers through a cloud system to replace any IT information needed. In a business such as mine, the practices of planning, leading, organizing, staffing and controlling are all equally important. Each function has its own place and use in both a conjunction with other practices or on its own. In this paper, I will go into depth on how each practice is used either by me or by my other co-workers that make up our team. A manager is not just a team leader to me but, a planner, organizer, coach, problem solver, motivator, and decision maker. A manager’s schedule is typically full with employee meetings, unexpected issues, policy sessions, and other miscellaneous tasks that may arise throughout the day. In the day to day business world, a manager has to use the planning function. As stated in our book, â€Å"managers use the planning function to choose appropriate organizational goals and identify courses of action to best reach those goals† (Reilly, Minnick, Baak, 2014). My company uses the planning function not only to set goals, but to determine what contracts are going to be pursued next. We first assess the environment of which we are going to take on at work. Then we review the potential company and the scope of work in which they would likeShow MoreRelatedThe Five Functions Of Management1649 Words   |  7 Pagesskills, technical skills, team-building and leadership skills , political skills, delegation skills, possess emotional intelligent and self-awareness skills, administration skills, and time management skills. I will reveal how these traits coincide with the five functions of management. 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The manager is responsible for carrying out certain functions which include: planning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling. Managers, regardless of the level, share in these common duties. The five functions of management are interconnected. For success to be achieved, the five functions must all be implemented in line with the vision of the organizationRead MoreThe Five Functions Of Effective Management1867 Words   |  8 PagesThe role of management contains the responsibilities for sustaining the life cycle of an organization. According to textbook â€Å"The Five Functions of Effective Management† by Baack, Reilly, Minnick (2014) Peter Drucker in 1985 made a formal statement regarding management. In textbook â€Å"The Five Functions of Effective Management† by Baack, Reilly, Minnick (2014) Peter Drucker in 1985 stated, â€Å"Man agement in turn is the organ of the institution (chapter 1.2).† Peter Drucker visual outline the conceptRead MoreFayol s Five Functions Of Management1099 Words   |  5 PagesWe may define management as â€Å"a process that involves planning, organizing leading (or deploying), and controlling resources in order to achieve goals† [Martin, J, 2010, pg12]. A manager must exercise influence over others using extrinsic motivation to optimise an organisations performance. There is little consensus about the term management, with many management theories outlining what is required of a manager. Theorist, Mintzberg, purposed the most suitable theory for an engineering discipline.Read MoreImplementing the Five Functions of Management Essay1354 Words   |  6 PagesImplementing the five functions of Management Margaret E. Bridges MGT 330 Thomas Kook 12/19/2011 The five functions of management practices are planning, leading, organizing, staffing and controlling. These functions are essential to forming a successful company with high revenues. Working in the healthcare field I have found that these functions are important to running a successful company. My current employer sets standards to follow and takes corrective action to ensure allRead MoreWhat Are The Five Basic Functions Of Project Management1214 Words   |  5 Pagesis Project Management Project management is a series of steps taken in sequence to manage a project through all phases from conception to completion. The steps are documented in a strategic plan. The plan is used to ensure that all parties are working towards a common goal. Project management requires applying knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to specific activities in accordance with established standards and guidelines. There are five basic functions of project management: planning, organizingRead MoreThe Five Management Functions Within The United States Air Force1501 Words   |  7 PagesThe five management functions can be found in any successful organization and is the foundation for achieving the organizations goals. Our text states, â€Å"management functions encompass innovative planning, detailed organization, diligent leadership, systematic staffing and finally must possess those abilities that permit the controlling of both human and organizational resources to accomplish a company ’s pre-determined objectives. (Baack, Reilly, Minnich, 2014, p. 1.3) â€Å"In this paper I will addressRead MoreWhat Are The Five Main Functions Of Global Human Resource Management?1386 Words   |  6 PagesArticle 1- â€Å"What are the five main functions of Global Human Resource Management ?† According to the article the worldwide integration of business has made an impact on the task of Human Resource managers because of diverse culture, new notions and different products. In the article there are five main international concepts that are essential for Human Resource Management to ensure the smooth working of business. These are as follows- †¢ Hiring- To entice, retain and recruit a proficient worker isRead MoreFayol s Five Processes Of Management1172 Words   |  5 PagesManagement functions have traditionally been defined in terms of planning, organising, commanding, coordinating and controlling. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Evaluate Methods of Communicating a Schools Ethos free essay sample

Explain how the ethos, mission, aims and values of a school may be reflected in working practice. The ethos and mission of a school are often referred to hand-in-hand as the same thing. They are however, different. The mission is based upon what the school intend to achieve in a more physical and academical way as set out by the head teacher. This is often seen as a motto that is short and easy to remember. In Parkfield the motto is â€Å"believe and you will achieve, achieve and you will succeed The Ethos of a school is more related to the beliefs and feelings of a school. The Ethos of the school should be recognisable when entering the school environment as it is part of the nature and daily practice of the staff and pupils there. It is usually clearly set out for the whole school to be aware of and is reinforced through daily activities. We will write a custom essay sample on Evaluate Methods of Communicating a Schools Ethos or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It enforces that childrens safety is pararmount and that children are at the centre of everything. The Aims of a school are set out in the school prospectus and are usually set by the head teacher in collaboration with the parents’ staff and the community. The values are however, based on moral code including respect for ones self and others around you. All of the above combined with the achievement related goals and social values become the basis of the schools mission statement. The decision as to what the school’s mission statement should be is often defined by the type of school and its outside links. For example, a faith school would more than likely include reference to its church or God. The aims and values of your school P Primary School Aims: â€Å"We aim to create an atmosphere where all our pupils can feel safe and secure in a caring and responsive environment. Every child matters at P Primary School. We aim to develop successful lifelong learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens. All our pupils are taught how to care or themselves, for each other and or the environment.. † P primary School Values: â€Å"P Primary School is an inclusive school, where every child matters. We are committed to raising achievement and we endeavour to help all children attain their ull potential by: * Practicing class child centered education * Recognising that all children bring some strengths to the school * Building confidence * Encouraging independant learning and individual initiative * Helping children work alongside each other â€Å"

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The role and significance of Cordelia in the novel Cats Eye Essay Example

The role and significance of Cordelia in the novel Cats Eye Paper Elaines struggle throughout her life can be greatly attributed to Cordelias role during her childhood, which ultimately led to Elaines retrospective of her artwork and also more personally her whole life. Cordelias influence over Elaine in her earlier years carried through in her subconscious and affected every relationship she would have in her future, with males and more importantly with females. Cordelia made Elaine feel inferior, abusing her both mentally and emotionally causing her to have a warped idea of what female friends are. Cordelias methods of showing friendship was by demeaning the people who surrounded her mainly because she herself was demeaned and caused to feel inferior by her family, mainly her father. By doing this Cordelia had control over Elaine which allowed her to speak to her however she felt and persuade her to do things she would not normally do like going down into the ravine for her hat in the cold. Elaines need to have a girl friend caused her to endure the abuse from Cordelia and Grace because she never knew what it was like to have a female companion. She had grown up playing with her older brother Stephen and had always dreamt of having friends that were girls. Due to this Elaine accepted her first experience with girls as how a female friendship should be structured. It is unfortunate that her first encounter with female friends was so traumatic because it seemed to have set a precedent for all her upcoming relationships. It was only later on in her life that Elaine truly realized how much she missed a relationship with females. As she gets older she begins to yearn for the opportunity that she never had, to have a true relationship with a woman. When Elaine finally builds up the courage to walk away from her friends it is only at this time that she realizes that the only power Cordelia had over her was her own weakness. We will write a custom essay sample on The role and significance of Cordelia in the novel Cats Eye specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The role and significance of Cordelia in the novel Cats Eye specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The role and significance of Cordelia in the novel Cats Eye specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Elaine has not been free of Cordelia since the first day she saw her standing on the pile of dirt in her yard. Ever since that day Elaine has been in a struggle to maintain a good relationship with Cordelia and as a result of this she gets manipulated. For instance when Cordelia invented the stack of plates as a way to control Elaine and keep her in line. For most of her friendship with Cordelia, Elaine believed that their treatment of her was their way of trying to make her a better person but she never knew what she was doing wrong or why she needed to be changed. Elaines struggle with the constant abuse from Cordelia affected her throughout her life, which is evident by her constant fear of confronting Cordelia while she was in Toronto. However this fear is survived by her need to confront Cordelia at her retrospective. Elaine is disappointed when she doesnt encounter Cordelia and while looking over her paintings she suddenly realizes that all along it was Cordelia who had a real problem and it is only at that moment that she is able to fully forgive Cordelia and ultimately forgive herself.