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Impact of organizational commitment and employee †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Impact of organizational commitment and employee. Answer: Introduction The present literature review sheds light on the impact of recognition in achieving employee satisfaction. The literature review is focused on providing in-depth analysis of different variables required in the research and establishing a relation between them. The problem statement is divided into independent and dependent variable so that the effect of one variable can be analyzed on another variable. Various research articles and books have been studied and analyzed to understand the impact of recognition on employee satisfaction. The employee satisfaction is considered as a dependent variable whereas the recognition is considered as an independent variable in the research. In the present competitive times, the employee satisfaction is considered as a significant element in the employee retention and productivity. However, in the hospitality industry, the employee retention is a big concern. Therefore, the research has examined the impact of recognition on the employee satisfaction. In the hospitality industry, the employees play a major role in the experience and the employee satisfaction. It is essential that the employees remain satisfied and motivated with their jobs so that the consumer experience with the organization remains satisfactory. The recognition also entails several other benefits such as increase in wages and higher responsibilities. The literature review is focused on the recognition and its impact on employee satisfaction. Problem Identification Currently, several studies have been conducted, which analyzes the employee satisfaction. However, there are only a few studies, which analyzed the impact of recognition on the employee satisfaction. There are several factors, which affect the morale and satisfaction of the employees at the workplace. There are other secondary factors, including pay scale, management, working hours, and the work-life balance, which influences the employee motivation at the workplace. In the present literature review, the impact of recognition on the employee satisfaction will be evaluated. Independent Variable The current literature on the employee recognition is limited and there is no actual conceptualization or the theoretical integration of the employee recognition as a human resource strategy. In the views of Ventrice (2009) in the present times, the competitiveness in the industry has increased immensely and it requires that the employees work with high motivation. It can be critiqued that employee recognition is important in employee motivation. The performance of the organization can be enhanced by intrinsic and extrinsic rewards. The employee recognition is the trajectory of motivation and results in high productivity. It is a personal development agent and important for the mental health of employees. The lack of recognition is one of the highest risk factors for anguish during the work (Nelson, 2015). It is important for the managers as it can be used to handle difficult professional situations. The employee recognition is also important for on-the-job learning. It is important in complex workplace situations. Today, most of the organizations yearn to become learning organization, which can be achieved by giving employee motivation (Banya, 2017). The employee job satisfaction can enhance employee productivity and performance. A discussed by Brun Dugas (2008), it can be stated that most of the employees expects to be recognized by their supervisors, and peers regarding their performance and productivity. The need of recognition is omnipresent, irrespective of the job hierarchy or job status. The recognition of the employee efforts can be considered as an important organization practice for the employee performance. Different organizations take different approaches to the employee recognition. There are four different approaches to the employee recognition, ethical perspective, humanistic view, behavioral outlook and work psychodynamics school (Bradler, Dur, Neckermann Non, 2016). These approaches can be used to express the employee recognition in four ways, namely, personal recognition, recognition of the workplace ethics, recognition of results and recognition of job dedication. These recognition practices satisfy the needs of most of the staff regarding the need to be recognized in the organization. Th e employees should be recognized as an individuals, as well as they should be appreciated for the commitment that they bring to the job (Daniel Metcalf, 2005). They should be appreciated for the commitment, investment of time and energy and competent performance of the job duties. In the views of Harrison (2013) the recognition at the workplace is important as it is important for the human dignity and social justice issue. It states that the recognition is not merely an issue of organization performance or the psychological wellbeing of the employees. The notion of equality among all the people also demand that the employees are recognized for their achievements. Therefore, it becomes the duty of a company in a demanding environment to give recognition to all the employees (Saunderson, 2004). The organization works as a shared collective responsibility, and therefore, it implies the concern for others, consideration given to the outcomes and the impact of the actions. The organization justice can be achieved in an organization by following different practices. The senior management should develop standards and polices regarding the delivery of the rewards and treating workers justly in the organization. The company should monitor the psychological wellbeing of all the employees and they should help the employees when they feel bad or threatened by challenging decisions. The organization management should also consider the past mistakes in making the future decisions in the organization. The recognition is also important in righting the wrong decisions of the organization and supporting the employees, who have suffered because of wrong organization decisions. The humanistic or the existential view is associated with ethics and is focused on identifying different people, their unique characteristics, distinct character and existence. According to this theory, if the employees or the workers are provided with proper working conditions, it will assist them in approaching their work positively and understand and work towards the organization objectives. These working conditions include several factors, which mean the financial and material factors, as well as the relationships, communication, power and independence. If the organization recogn izes its employees, they will work more closely towards achieving their objectives (Harrison, 2013). The recognition is important for the employees as it is important for the intelligence, emotions and expertise. The existential recognition is essential to influence the decision-making of the employees. The existential recognition refers to the acknowledgement of the existence of another person and taking their needs into account. The employees feel that they are being treated and valued as an indivdual, as they have unique physical, psychological, emotional and cognitive characteristics. The work psychodynamics refers to the experience of the individuals at the workplace and the group strategies which are used to maintain the psychological well-being at the difficult work situations. According to this theory, recognition is a symbolic reward, which is expected by the people. The employee recognition has two components, recognition as the sense of acknowledgment or as an understandi ng of the employee contribution towards the organization. It refers to the actual work done by the employee; however, such recognition is often resisted by the employees as it identifies the deficiency in the work environment (Garr, 2012). The recognition of the performance at the work refers to the manner in which employees handle their duties and produce different results. The work performance encompasses the behavior, skills and the professional qualification of the employees. Maslows Theory In the views of Koltko-Rivera (2006) the Maslows theory states that there are specific human needs, which increases the human motivation. All the human needs can be divided into five categories, namely, physiological, safety, social, self-esteem and self-actualization. It means that the basic needs of the humans, which encompass survival, safety, love and esteem should be fulfilled before a person seek a need of high level. All the humans are motivated to satisfy these needs or requirements. On the basis of the Maslows theory, it can be stated that once a need is fulfilled, it no longer motivates the person and the higher level need is required for the motivation. The recognition comes in the category of self-esteem and it can be achieved through formal and informal recognition programs. Maslow identified that the needs of an individual can be categorized in three hierarchal levels. These categories are physiological, safety, social, esteem, and self-actualization. The physiological and safety needs are low order needs, whereas the esteem and self-actualization are higher order needs. It means that the lower order needs should be satisfied first, so that the user can move to higher order needs. Dependent Variable In the perspective of Harter, Schmidt Hayes (2002), the employee satisfaction is of utmost value for efficiency and high productivity. The satisfied employees are focused towards their work and extremely loyal towards the organization. They are motivated towards work and support the objectives of the business enterprise. They do not work out of any compulsion and aims towards achieving the objectives of the organization. The employee satisfaction results in positive work climate and people concentrate more on their work rather than cribbing or complaining. The business organizations focus on employee satisfaction as it is the easiest way of employee retention (Edmans, 2011). The business organizations need to retain talented employees for long-term growth and success of the organization. The biggest concern of business organizations is that employees leave the organization just after being trained. Although the company can hire new professionals; however, the experienced professiona ls are more important for the organization as they are familiar with the organization as well the as the work skills. According to Madlock (2008), there are several factors, which contribute to the employee satisfaction, which are good treatment at the workplace, opportunities to grow, appreciation, and remuneration, which contributes to the employee satisfaction. The retention of talented and skilled employees is essential in developing the competitive advantage of the organization. Moreover, high attrition rate of the organization negatively impacts the image of the organization. In the views of Fu Deshpande (2014) the employee retention rate is also important in assuring high revenues for the organization. It can be stated that the feeling of attachment or loyalty towards the organization is essential in high productivity and revenue for the organization. It is more important than training or motivation. The employees waste their time is sorting out different issues and addressi ng different challenges. The employees satisfied with their job profile try to meet their targets rather than wasting their time in other tasks. The satisfied employees are happy employees, who help the fellow employees to cooperate with the organization. These employees do not avoid their job responsibilities because of the job challenges; however, work harder to overcome the workplace challenges (McCann, Graves Cox, 2014). Their only source of motivation is not the money; however, feelings towards the organization. The employees satisfied with the organization spread positive word of mouth and invite their friends and family members to work in the organization. According to Atmojo (2015) the employees satisfied with their job profile tend to be more flexible and can easily handle pressure in comparison to their employees. The frustrated employees will find problem with everything in the infrastructure and will not be able to compromise or cope with the changes in time. The employees happy with their jobs, are more eager to engage in the training programs and work for the betterment of the organization. The employee satisfaction describes whether the employees are happy and contented with their needs and desires at the workplace. The employee satisfaction is important in the employee motivation, achieving goals and establishing positive morale at the workplace. There are several factors, which contribute to the employee satisfaction, which encompasses treating the employees with respect, doing regular employee recognition, empowering employees and giving them high responsibilities. The companies can use anonymous employee satisfaction survey to measure the employee satisfaction. There are several factors such as management, understanding the mission and vision statement, teamwork, communication, empowerment and coworker interaction. The employee satisfaction is also known as job satisfaction and refers to the extent to which the employee is satisfied with his job responsibilities and job profile. There is a huge impact of the employee satisfaction on the employee performance. The satisfied employees contribute positively to the organization and they are able to perform and communicate better with the employees. The dissatisfaction of the employee has negative impact on the organization. The employees can react in different manner, if they are not satisfied with their work. They may withdraw, react in passive or uninterested manner or respond in assertiveness or aggression. In the views of Ahmad, Iqbal, Javed, Hamad (2014), there are several dimensions to the employee dissatisfaction, including colleagues, remuneration, and working conditions. An employee can realize a different level of satisfaction in each of these dimensions. An employee can judge a certain dimension negatively and he may judge other dimensions positively. It is possible that the employee is dissatisfied with his salary; however, he is satisfied with his working conditions and colleagues. The job satisfaction can be in affective satisfaction and cognitive job satisfaction. The affective job satisfaction encompasses all the emotions associated with the job. It indicates the place of the job in an individuals life. On the other hand, cognitive satisfaction refers to the rational satisfaction regarding the day to day responsibilities. There are several theories, which try to describe the job satisfaction. The disposition theory states that the individuals are predisposed to achieve a c ertain level of job satisfaction in any job or industry. The range of affect theory states that the satisfaction of an employee is dependent upon his expectations and whatever he receives from the job. There are several factors such as environmental, individual and psychological factors, which impacts on the job satisfaction of an individual. The communication between the employees and the management is an important factor in the employee satisfaction. The communication management is important in the job satisfaction of the employees. The employees derive satisfaction form the companies, which have effective human resource management practices. Two-factor theory (motivator-hygiene theory) Accordin to Harter, Schmidt, Hayes (2002), Herzbergs two factors theory, also referred as the motivator-hygiene theory explains the job satisfaction experienced at the workplace. The satisfaction and the dissatisfaction of the employees emerge from the motivation and hygiene factors, respectively. The motivation of the employee at a workplace is related to the job duties and work environment. The motivation can be considered as a force, which drives the individuals to achieve personal and organizational goals. As per the theory, the motivation refers to those aspects of the job, which helps the people to perform better. There are several factors which impart satisfaction to the employees, such as promotion, recognition, and achievements in the work. These are intrinsic motivation factors, which are wedged with the job duties. The hygiene factors include the changes in the work environment, such as pay, companys policies, workplace condition, and supervisory practices. This theory st ates that the job satisfaction and the dissatisfaction are related; however, different concepts which are not the opposite end of a continuum. There are certain motivating factors such as pay and benefits, recognition, and achievements, which increases the employee satisfaction with work. According to the theory, there are certain hygiene factors such as job security, policy and structure which create dissatisfaction with the job. Correlation between two variables Most of the theoretical literature has suggested that the employee recognition has a positive effect on the employees satisfaction. However, there are certain challenges in the employee recognition as there are only a few managers, who consistently receive employee recognition, and therefore, they do not know how to give it. Moreover, there is less support in education and communication for employee recognition. The policies and procedures for employee recognition are also limited, which prevents the managers in recognizing their employees. Proper recognition exists in the business organizations, which have supportive culture. There are only a few organizations, which have written policies to assist the leaders in the recognition initiatives (Harting, 2010). The business organizations emphasize on the formal award programs; however, it is clearly insufficient to keep the employees motivated. These business organizations also have limited set of values; it is they consider that they a re not well-known. Most of the leaders and the managers require training, education courses for giving effective recognition. There should be high accountability for providing verbal, written, and other forms of recognition to the employees. However, it is necessary to provide better organization support, strong organization culture, better policies and budget allocation for recognition to the employees. With better face-to-face recognition, written and other forms of communication, the employee recognition can provide high support to the employees. The recognition and the reward programs enhance the spirit of the employees. It increases the performance and the motivation of the employees. The aim of the reward program is to establish a link between the performance and the motivation of the employees (Edmans, 2011). These reward programs ultimately boost the morale of the employees, which increases their job satisfaction. When the organization recognizes the employees in terms of their work capacity, t hen their performance naturally increases. Therefore, recognition is one of the highest needs of the employees. The two-factor theory or the hygiene theory states that the satisfaction and the motivation of the employees are driven by the satisfaction and the motivation of the employees. It focusses on the factors, which leads to the satisfaction and dissatisfaction of the employees. There are certain factors in the job, which causes satisfaction, whereas, there is other factor which results in the dissatisfaction of the employees. As per the theory, the job satisfaction is the product of motivation of the employees. The employees are motivated through achievement, recognition, work, responsibility and opportunities. The recognition refers to the honor or attention given to the employee for performing well in the job. According to the theory, the success of an individual is not necessary to be monumental for the recognition. The employees should be acknowledged for doing something well in the organization (Dugguh and Dennis, 2014). Conclusion The aim of the present literature review is to identify the relationship between the employee recognition and the employee satisfaction. The employee recognition has a strong correlation with satisfaction and employee motivation. Recognition helps the employees to feel pride with their work and enhance their satisfaction level. The results of the research will be beneficial for the managers and the policy makers. The managers can understand the importance of the employee recognition and design activities to enhance the employee motivation. The superiors can motivate the employees to work hard by taking small actions. The employee recognition affects the workplace performance in several ways. If an employee is not recognized properly, then it results in low job satisfaction. If the employees are not recognized in a proper manner, it will develop a negative attitude towards the workplace and the job duties. The employee will consider the job duties as a burden and eventually, it will i mpact on his performance. The employee recognition is an umbrella term, which encompasses several activities and strategies to make the employee realize his contribution towards the workplace. Most of the employees crave for recognition from their peers and senior managers. Most of the employees, who do not receive recognition and appreciation by the management, remain dissatisfied with the job. It can create several other problems, such as absenteeism, and inability to handle pressure emerging from the job duties. Different theories discussed in the text have stated that recognition and the self-esteem are basic human needs. If the organization realizes the valuable contribution made by the employees, their satisfaction and productivity in the organization will also increase. The recognition is also important in creating a positive and productive workplace. 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